
गुरुवार, 10 नवंबर 2022

Friend-shoring and Near-shoring

The West is working on friend-shoring and near-shoring in place of offshoring and outsourcing for the sake of reliable supply chains. It is a strategic move for them for their own security and in order to check the rise of the challenger. Nonetheless, it is another blow to globalisation, the moving of the world towards universal good. It meant fewer conflicts, lower carbon emissions, and greater prosperity for humankind. 

What we can do as global citizens is to avoid the merchandise of rogue nations and raise our voices against them on public fora. Even otherwise, as responsible citizens, we must consume less of the products which we import. The added advantage would be our carbon footprint being smaller. It costs but it would be costlier for a nation to be roguish. We must find and favour democratic and friendly nations for doing business. 

At the same time, we must work hard for quality and cost-effectiveness in whatever we do. We must be unavoidable as the great nations go into closed groups. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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