
बुधवार, 27 मार्च 2019

Science of Politics

The science of politics is the most critical necessity. Nothing affects human life more than politics and hence only the science must shape our politics. Heavenly, hellish or hideous, what our life may be, depends entirely on our political knowledge. Unfortunately our operative political perception and actions have been determined by the pseudosciences. We lament our predicament but never deconstruct our operative political philosophy. This is the tragedy.

Niraj Kumar Jha

The Thoughtfulness and the Thoughtlessness

To my utter bewilderment,
I found
there was no distinction between
the thoughtfulness
and the thoughtlessness.
Horror stricken
I looked around.
Met my eyes a landscape,
absolutely degraded,
reduced to sand dunes.

Niraj Kumar Jha

सोमवार, 25 मार्च 2019


Amidst us, the general understanding of the democracy is genetically determined. The primitive man who sits in the human genes identifies democracy with the primal ethos, which envisions each man replicating the other man. They want to reduce the civilized men to the specimen. 

Democracy is not that. It is about civilization; it is about private, personal, and advancement; it is about enterprise. The 'great' visionaries installed democracy by making people stand in long queues everywhere. Rationed living is not democracy. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

गुरुवार, 7 मार्च 2019

Sophistry and Wisdom

We have been told by a great master that sophistry hazards the humanity by dislodging wisdom but the greater hazard it causes is not told. And it is this - sophistry foists monstrosity in the name of wisdom as its antithesis. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

मंगलवार, 5 मार्च 2019

Ideas make all the difference

Ideas make all the difference. This is my reckoning. I saw all the big upheavals, wars, unimaginable technological breakthroughs taking place during this very short span of the 21st century, and yet things remain all the same in terms of the socio-political structures. People want change, as the Arab Spring, the Occupy Wall Street, or the India against Corruption demonstrated, and yet there is hardly any change. Why is it so? There is no idea of change, the new we want. The changes are already there but there is no change. We are waiting for the idea of the new. We need to imagine a new to convert all the new phenomena into a socio-political new. 

Niraj Kumar Jha