
मंगलवार, 1 दिसंबर 2020

About Teaching

Today, I heard a policy advisor advocating flipped classrooms and sharing the idea with a godman that students should be made to learn from the recording of lectures delivered by the best expert in the world on a topic, and teachers and students only do activities around the topics. 

I too thought like that earlier, but I realized during these devastating times that this cannot be the best method of teaching and learning. I summarise the whole idea in one sentence first. Teaching and learning can not be other than a lived experience that necessitates the presence of a person before you who lives the knowledge he or she disseminates.

A classroom is a unique place. The teachers come to know of their students and the students of their teachers and the classrooms build a rapport, which brings in education there. The milieu, the cultural consonance, and the connection are the crucial components of education. 

And the teaching is not about repeating things, as the godman was suggesting, but it is about evolving in the role and the evolution manifests in the very first class of a teacher. And gifted teachers seed the ethos of evolving at their first engagement. Teaching cannot be separated from its magical aspect, it cannot be fully mechanical. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

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