
गुरुवार, 4 मार्च 2021


The government-owned businesses were very tragic economic anomalies. These anomalies are being removed now, and the de-governmentalization trends today. The process is termed 'privatization,' but one can see that the term is not compatible with the idea it seeks to convey. The very nature of capital, personal money deployed for gainful provisioning and servicing of the society, is social. The deployment of personal money in the economy brings people into a very fulfilling association. The easier and the less taxed the process, the wealthier and happier are the folks. And, as such a company gets its status changed from being government holding to the civil* ownership, the process may be called civilization. The word civilization must be assigned this good and human good meaning, and the meaning is hardly different from its original meaning. One needs to distinguish a civilization from primitivism to know that the proposed extra meaning does not bring any variance to the effect of the word.

*civ·il (sĭv′əl)
1. Of, relating to, or befitting a citizen or citizens: civil duties.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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