
गुरुवार, 30 सितंबर 2021

Cognitive Upgrade

Advancing to a higher level of cognitive skills and competence for any individual or group is not an easy passage. It requires training for learning and actual learning, and in addition, it needs accessible resources. Most of the collective cognitive abilities, which sustain, for instance, our democratic order, came to us as gifts from our old scholastic traditions, humanist thoughts of thinkers from different civilizations, and many of the gifted personas which we are fortunate enough to have. And, as a result, we could overcome the formal arrangement, which was nothing more than colonial and ideological epistemological traps. So far, we have done fairly well but a constant, conscious, and organised revitalisation of our cognitive skills is a vital necessity. It does happen on its own but the lag and chaos of anarchic ways costs.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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