I reiterate, as I find it necessary to do, that democracy is a by-product of capitalism. It was when capital (money) became the lifeblood of social relations, the people rose to the state of autonomy and dignity, which define human worth during modern times. It evolved out of the discovery of man and his mind that led people to the order of capital, and the resultant autonomy of human beings furthered the rise of democracy over time.
This is the European story. In India, the spirit of human freedom is rather ancient. The invisible hands, which work behind the free market, appeared very early in India, and the ancient pioneers made it even better by curating it as per the standards of Dharma. India prospered, celebrated life, and included all in the festivities. North India, which faced decline earlier than South and consequent subjugation, saw its high time during the reign of the Guptas. The Guptas minted the largest number of gold coins in Indian history.
The present dismay of the democratic world on the democratic decline is ironic. The greater number of literati positioned themselves in opposition to neoliberalism. They held neoliberalism responsible for every conceivable ill, and never realised that neoliberalism manifested the invisible agency of humanity, which had caused the tearing down of walls, very literally, beginning from Berlin, which held humans and their soul captive to the whims of a few. The process was bringing the world together, promising peace and common prosperity but the entrenched forces closed their ranks and sabotaged it. Now, the literati, who parroted the concerns of powers that be, in their success lament the very outcome of their endeavour.
I pray.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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