
शनिवार, 31 दिसंबर 2022

'Here' and 'Now' Pedagogy

The teaching and learning process needs fundamental change. With pieces of information and knowledgeable ever-accessible even on move, one does not need to store them in their mind as it is being required so far. Generally, learners need less to memorise and more to develop the power to process information and knowledge. Memorisation and understanding go together but often the former cripple the latter by its sheer weight. Now, with technology,  people can unburden themselves greatly.   

Here, my concern is human beings knowing about humanity and their ways of living. And, the task of pedagogy gets light and simple in this context presently. I feel two major enablers of civility, humanism and rationalism, remain grossly unrealised despite being in play for centuries and hold great promise of further civilizing the human race. The storage of knowledge in mind has been a highly desirable value, and so the tendency to store pieces of knowledge without filtering them for their uses and effects affects the knowledge processing abilities of the knowledge bearer.  They act as coolies carrying a load of knowledge on them rather than being masters of knowledge. Moreover, knowledge overwhelms the instinct and drive of knowing: it subdues the persons carrying it. This can be reversed to bring things to their normal state: an evolutional anomaly can be undone now. 

'Here' and 'now' must be the starting point of the pedagogy and 'being' and  'phenomenal' must be the focus. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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