
शनिवार, 17 दिसंबर 2022

Ideology and Ethnicity

 Ideology and Ethnicity

Ideology may be categorised as I do here into one which people have as an evolved integrated worldview, as the traditions and social ecosystem morph into one, and the other one, the one created and imposed. The working ideology at a particular location generally exists in a fused state. 

Manufactured ideologies apparently work as the level of ideas and intellect and seemingly transcend ethnic divides. The point here is that doctrines have the compatibility trait. A manufactured doctrine may or may not be compatible with the socio-ecological ideology of a particular geography. For instance, Leftism germinated in the West but flourished in the East (including the European East). 

Further, even at a particular location, communities have different working ideologies and similarly, they find one or the other manufactured ideologies more suited to their collective psyche. 

Even individuals within an ethnic group may get swayed by the ideology of the other ethnic group, as every community has rebel elements. But the conformists define the rules, not the rebels. 

Ethnicity and ideology thus have symbiotic relations. 

Humanism and cosmopolitanism stand in opposition to not only ethnicity but also ideology, the manufactured ones.  

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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