
मंगलवार, 24 जुलाई 2018

Resolving a Dilemma

Peoples and civilizations share among themselves much more than one can ordinarily realize. And civilizations have benefitted from each other in their civilization advance. Many ideas and institution which evolved elsewhere become the mainstay of any country. Being purist or exclusive serves no purpose. It only weakens peoples and civilizations.

On the other hand, a country is stymied on account of its dependence on foreign ideas and institutions. They do not help in resolving the prevailing problems which have been resolved elsewhere. And it also distorts some established and well serving traditions.

What is the way out? In fact, the problem is not primarily about the place of origin of any idea and institution. Rather it is the problem of the intellectual prowess of a community or a national community. We can resolve the dilemma by answering a simple question. The question is –

Is it we who command the idea or institution for the good of each and all or the idea or institution controls all of us for the good of some other?

When we apply this filter, the distinction between the indigenous and the alien for too many cases does not stand.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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