
शुक्रवार, 19 अगस्त 2022

The Power of Social Media

The story of the times is the power of social media, i.e., the power of the commoners. Some say that social media is a mechanism for manipulating public opinion. But, the same persons, who are insulting the intellect of commoners, are also speaking on the same media and are heard and believed. They do have their role as they help the commoners to be more discerning and thus only add to their power.

But, the wisdom is that power is responsibility. Exercise of power bereft of the intent of good and the lack of innate humility in the exerciser is an act of coercion for sadistic pleasures. This is as true for an individual as for any collective. This does not mean that we should not contest evil. One must, but we keep reminding ourselves that while fighting evil, we must save ourselves from the evil cast.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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