
शुक्रवार, 28 जून 2024

Ease of Living

People talk about the ease of doing business but what they almost ignore talking about is the ease of living. 

Ease of doing business leads to general prosperity and the creation of employment. In fact, there is no other way to let everyone willing to work have a job. It also gives a competitive advantage to the country in the international market. In addition, the economic strength feeds the military muscle on the one hand, and surpluses nourish cultural efflorescence on the other. Certainly, people should talk about the ease of doing business more.

Though incomparable, the ease of living is rather more fundamental in nature. It is generally believed that people living through tough times are heroic ones, and they are bringers of good times. Truth is rather the opposite.

Bad times mostly lead to worse times and worse to the worst, and this is an endless spiral. If one studies history, one can see a declining phase lasts for centuries and often a rise is brought about by not the decaying stuff but by something new emerging mostly unrelated to the rot. And, it is only good that leads to better.

To live with ease is about optimising certainties and thus ensuring general stability. People certain of things spend more, donate more and care more for each other. Insecure people do just the opposite. Secure people can think clearly and find better mechanisms to meet the challenges. Such a scenario leads to peace and prosperity for optimum numbers. Even the worst off have adequate support as charities abound. The basic fact is that the ease of living is the raison d'etre of politics. Otherwise, it is chaos.

The rise of capitalism is associated with the advance from adventure to calculation in carrying out businesses. It happens when the rules of the games are fixed and uncertainties are reduced to a minimum. You can understand the importance of trains running on time.

At the mundane level of governance, it means policy stability and predictability. Frequent changes in the rules of games and rude shocks are undoings of the policy of policy-making.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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