
शुक्रवार, 18 मार्च 2022

On Most Needed Thing Being Done

All people must applaud and support, in whatever way one can, the goal set up by UP, i.e. to make the state a $1 trillion economy in five years. The Chinese economy is five times larger than ours and we need to cover the gap as soon as possible. If the larger states compete among themselves to reach this $1 trillion target first, India would achieve its $5 trillion target within no time and move ahead for becoming the $10 trillion economy. Doing so is a strategic necessity.

We Indians have been a suffering people for a prolonged time. During colonial rule, we fell to subhuman conditions. We are still among the poorest of the poor in the world. We still do not have clean water to drink and go to bed hungry. There is no curse worse than poverty. And, without being overall rich we cannot hope to be individually rich. We must wholeheartedly support such a mission.

Many may think UP is setting a misplaced target, rather it should focus on the social sector services like health and education. This is a mistaken idea. On the contrary, if the government targets to expand its economy four times within 5 years, as the case is, it cannot do it without fixing everything, health, education, roads, ecology, social harmony or anything one can imagine in a great hurry.

Let me also add that Indians have been relentless in supporting pro-growth agenda and have been ruthless in rejecting antimarket forces for the last two decades.

I was thinking about writing such a post, i.e. UP targeting a $ 1 trillion economy, but meanwhile, I see this piece of news. Kudos to the UP government.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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