
मंगलवार, 1 मार्च 2022

This is different this time.

The world today is different: humanity is united like never before. There are two overlapping worlds, real and virtual, and the latter is not constrained by geography. The political boundaries and the cultural diversities are there to stay but a planetary melting of cultural identities is happening rather at an unprecedented pace too. Injustices, wrongdoings, and lapses anywhere have global ramifications and the echoes in the cyber world have enough powers to get heard and heeded.

One of the phenomenal normals of the cyber world is that no actor is as machine-like as one was before, and no person is as programmed as one was before. Cyberspace makes a person more a thinking and understanding person, more sympathetic and empathetic person. Whatever we see otherwise are only the flickerings of dying sentimentalities.

We are getting into a better world with every step, with every moment, notwithstanding the mishappenings. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

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