
सोमवार, 30 अक्टूबर 2023

Work for Being Human

 Working for longer hours and working more productively are related issues but not the same. It is better that people work longer and more productively. They merit even separately. 

Working is in fact redeeming one's humanity. It is by working we advance from a being to a human being, from barbarism to civilization. Basically, what we mean by work is service to others. This is how we become a society, civilization, and humanity.  The more we work, the better we get. Self-indulgence is secondary and is just a break to realise ultimately it is work that gives meaning to our life and brings fulfilment.

Being drained out while working is the most satisfying thing to get into. The problem is that we do not have satisfying jobs or we do not like the jobs we do and we begin our work feeling drained. This is tragic. 

The basic problem is that many people do not have any work to do, even if they may be employed. And if they have a job, the problem is not about the time one spends on a particular work but of organisation and culture. We may be valuing jobs one over another and doing a job not in a likeable way. It is a problem of collective norms and know-how. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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