
रविवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2023

Yet Another War

Enemies of humanity perpetrate yet another aggression. A former superpower continues with its act of aggression against another nation. The aggressed are inevitably at war. Humanity should appreciate the warring nations and their warriors for defending national integrity and freedom. 

Our country also confronts the most pernicious and barbaric enemies. The world is turning more dangerous by the day. Other than rogue states, non-state actors are active with their vicious agenda. We need to remain united, contribute to national strength, and confront the elements and factors trying to disrupt the national resolve. 

Today, globalism of chaos displaces earlier short-lived processes of economic globalisation. That was the phase when peace and prosperity were making their appearance in every nook and cranny of the world.  Commoners had started enjoying their life and realising their worth for the first time in history. Now, everything is uncertain. Promises are increasingly crumbling. We often come to see the debris of hopes. 

Factors are many driving people to discredit the idea and dismantle the architecture of global integration. Entrenched forces felt threatened and control freaks suffered withdrawal symptoms. Agencies went overboard to structure globalisation and disrupted the evolution. But none of these was the prime factor. It was the dragon, which benefitted immensely from the liberalised trade regime but totally dishonoured its norms. International agencies had no means to discipline the giant. Other nations hurriedly retreated to guard their respective domestic economy. 

Hope is still there and always there. We, human beings, are always becoming beings. The fact of the matter is that smart technologies work to unify humanity, and the present-day threats and crises, other than anti-globalism, cannot be tackled without the concerted efforts of the whole of humanity. It depends on the present generation of humanity whether it chooses to work for the inevitability of a united humanity or prolong the chaos. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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