
रविवार, 10 मार्च 2024

Democratisation of Knowledge

The availability of and access to knowledge has never been so widespread. Most of the things one needs to know are online, always ready to be accessed and even curated with the help of AI. At the same time, now again with the help of the internet and AI, one can articulate better and always be present before an audience.

This vital aspect of existence so democratised along with others strengthens democracy in a manner, which we cannot make out right now. We may be in a transformational phase little realising it. We can see right now a definitiveness in the political cultures in the world. This may be an age of denial of old consensus or its lack wherein the fresh consensus remains elusive. The world lacks a common set of values leading to any collective idea of good. The age has yet to give birth to its philosophers. We will have to wait.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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