
शनिवार, 18 मई 2024

Beyond Ideological Fixation

People's worldview or their approach or orientedness to life is largely ideologically determined or that may be an evolved ideology by itself. People may be indoctrinated into an ideology or they might have been in it through generations as an evolutionary process. People may be lethargic or fearful of thinking afresh and thus ideologies exist inevitably as fixities.

Settled ideologies serve people to their comfort. Disturbing stability may not surpass the troubles it may cause in terms of the benefits it may reap. Therefore, the rational path is a piecemeal approach to social good. However, a piecemeal approach requires extraordinary philosophical minds in action. The challenge remains; how to get those extraordinary minds and bring them into action. What we can do is to make people realise that they see things through ideological lenses and reality may vary. And, an unjust order helps none. If this somehow gets into our operative epistemology, we may at least have the chance of having people more capable of seeing things as they are.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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