Philosophy as I see it, is about making sense of existence and surroundings so that we sail and do not sink into the existential unknowables or get lost in the mazes of our makings. If we failed militarily, endured slavery, and allowed others to humiliate us, it was our philosophical failure.
Niraj Kumar Jhaशुक्रवार, 7 मार्च 2025
गुरुवार, 6 मार्च 2025
Realism or Irrealism
These are times of crass realism in international politics—or simply, times of irrealism! Apparently, the actors are resorting to realism, but it may not serve their national interest or the good of the world. The realism is mistaken, as it is not missed by concerned observers.
As we advanced into a highly connected world with distances reduced or eliminated in every realm of human interaction and transactions, the world appears more on tenterhooks.
The point is that a world that does not care for idealism, the good of humanity as a whole, makes their realism detrimental to any player's interest, not to mention the global good.
Humanity faces severe crises of environmental unsustainability, unemployment, hunger, and crimes, and needs concerted efforts. On the contrary, economic rivalry, worse geopolitical conflicts, and even ugly irredentism (even unsubstantiable) overwhelm the collective consciousness.
Fairness in transactions eludes the world, which seeds all other problems. We require a broader and deeper understanding of international power rivalries so that humanity can rise for itself. Idealism was never irrelevant, and of its made-up irrelevance we must be more bothered about now.
Niraj Kumar Jha
गुरुवार, 6 फ़रवरी 2025
Democratising Knowledge
Knowledge is a dedicated endeavour requiring resources and an ecology. Required is the diffusion of such pieces and their realisation and for that the bearers of specialised knowledge must make efforts to democratise knowledge.
Democratisation will begin when the bearers first test their pieces on the ground, amidst peoples' trials and tribulations, fears and expectations, despair and hopes. They must prioritise people over their theses.
Niraj Kumar Jha
बुधवार, 5 फ़रवरी 2025
Cooperative Capitalism and Associational Democracy
Liberalism is democracy in the human domain of politics and capitalism in the domain of economics. It may appear ironic that liberalism, a humanism-based way of life, leads to the concentration of wealth in the economy and of power in the polity causing inequality, At the same time, it is the strength and beauty of liberalism that a person without a background can become wealthy and powerful. Secondly, those who own wealth and exercise power do so under a system of checks and balances and the rule of law based on fair play. Moreover, liberalism inheres more scope for the dispersal of these valuables, a fact often ignored. In capitalist economies, there exist big companies, which are owned by shareholders and they have no big promoters. Big corporations also require ancillary companies and there is always space for small businesses and production units. More importantly, people can form cooperatives and stand well before megacorporations. Such cooperatives exist in India and have become more relevant in the age of digital economy. Thirdly, communities can take up business activities for their collective good and income.
In the field of politics too, besides formal democratic mechanisms of separation, division, and decentralisation of powers, liberalism promotes the ecology allowing and encouraging associations. Associations may be purposed meaningfully for carrying out public functions too. Associations can work more effectively to promote health, sports, cultural and literary concerns. All these lead to the fair dispersal of power in society.
People must recognise the unavoidable: liberalism is unavoidable as is the human drive for betterment. We need to work out only a suitable mechanism and ecology to allow it to work for us.
Niraj Kumar Jha
सोमवार, 27 जनवरी 2025
The Deep and the Dip
In the current age of the knowledge economy, the biggest corporations are high-end technology companies.
It is science, technology and the free market that makes the difference. Even a slight edge or a little drawback brings vast differences in no time.
Niraj Kumar Jha
शुक्रवार, 24 जनवरी 2025
Knowledge Value Depreciation
Yet, we see amazingly dumb people even in the most unlikeable places in the world. Has the easy availability of knowledge devalued meaningful and connected knowledge? Do people depend more on their instincts, fancies, whims, and beliefs?
The answer is, very disappointingly, yes.
What may be other reasons other than the easy availability of knowledge resources? I think of these.
1. Knowledge is more about experience, and its effectiveness depends on shared practices. The isolated, lonely or aloof people can not gather knowledge to effect.
2. The exercise of mind is more important than access to knowledge. People do not exercise their minds to know as the pieces are easily available. One must understand that knowledge is an endeavour.
3. People survive without applying their minds within a working system. They should understand that exercise holds the system and its cessation causes decay. After a threshold, it is disastrous.
Niraj Kumar Jha
गुरुवार, 23 जनवरी 2025
The Fundamental of Economics and Politics
The economy runs best according to its own rules, which appear as the invisible hands of the market. These rules come from human nature, the basic innate drives of human beings. A person wants to own and retain. Here politics makes the next stage of civilized human life; it seeks to ensure fairness so people possess, maintain, and enjoy their lives without much ado.
These are the basics of two fundamental domains of life and disciplines of knowledge: economics and politics. But they are hardly known or realised. 'Geniuses' play spoilers.
Economics is most effective when it follows its own rules. Otherwise, it causes only pain and results in regress.
Niraj Kumar Jha
बुधवार, 22 जनवरी 2025
सभ्यता संस्कार
कुम्भ स्नान की यात्रा का गंतव्य भारत के विराट स्वरूप का दर्शन है, उसमें एकाकार हो जाना है। यह स्नान भारतवासी को भारत एवं मनुष्य देहधारी को मानव बनाती है। वे सभ्यता से एकरूप होकर अपनी पूर्णता को प्राप्त करते हैं। वे जल से उठते हैं तो दिग्भ्रम और क्षोभ से मुक्त होकर शुद्ध होते हैं; अस्तित्व की अमरता एवं सूक्ष्मता से सिक्त हो पुनर्नवा होते है।
भारत क्या है? यह सनातन की अनश्वर काया है।
यह त्रासद है कि इस विराट संस्कारोत्सव को सूक्ष्मता से अनुभूत किए जाने और सृष्टि के मूल के दृश्य रूप को आधार बनाकर व्यष्टि और समष्टि के आध्यात्मिक और सामाजिक उत्थान हेतु सार्थक विमर्श के स्थान पर क्षुद्रता ही चर्चा में आ रही है। यह और कुछ नहीं, कुशिक्षा और कुसंस्कार की व्याप्ति का द्योतक है। हमें अपनी अनन्य परंपराओं के प्रति गंभीर होने की आवश्यकता है।
नीरज कुमार झा
शनिवार, 18 जनवरी 2025
लोग गंदगी क्यों फैलाते हैं?
ऐसा क्यों है?
यह मुद्दा समाजशास्त्रीय इतिहास से जुड़ा है।
यह इतिहास जनित मानसिकता है। दीर्घकालीन अधीनता के दौरान व्यापक और निरंतर उत्पीड़न और दोहन के कारण सामूहिक अस्तित्व के प्रति उपेक्षा का भाव लोगों का मानस बन गया। व्यक्ति अभी भी जीवन की परिस्थितियों पर नियंत्रण करने के स्थान पर उनके समक्ष अपने को निरूपाय पाता है। वह भले ही शारीरिक शुचिता के प्रति सजग हो लेकिन स्थानिक स्वच्छता के प्रति वह उदासीन रहता है।
नीरज कुमार झा
शुक्रवार, 17 जनवरी 2025
People do not recognise the dignity of others. They find it very gratifying to insult others. They venerate some people if they talk fancy things, present themselves exotically, or can reward and harm others discretionarily, but never respect a fellow human being. This behaviour is so common that it is hardly noticed. It also escapes pedagogical attention. Highly educated ones are also very arrogantly scholarly. They eagerly seek opportunities to demean laypeople or people of lesser credentials even if these people may be more sensible as they face life more closely. Pedagogy and academia must pay attention to this gaping hole in their ecosystem. Instead of parroting the word dignity ad nauseam, they should acculturate themselves and the graduates to human dignity.
Niraj Kumar Jhaगुरुवार, 16 जनवरी 2025
Historically and sociologically, there have been cases of both types: artificialization serving well and putting people in peril.
Yet, there is a third type of cases, where artificialisation is carried out through imitation. These people do not get to the reason behind the structures they erect having seen those working somewhere else or times earlier and even their appropriate way of working. As a result, these structures hardly serve a purpose or even turn dysfunctional.
Niraj Kumar Jha
रविवार, 12 जनवरी 2025
Let the Concerned Person Decide
How many hours should a person work? My answer is - let the concerned person decide. One can also decide for one's employees but subject to labour laws, contractual obligations, and the mental and physical tolerance of the working people.
Niraj Kumar Jha
शुक्रवार, 10 जनवरी 2025
Intellectual Enablement
शनिवार, 4 जनवरी 2025
The Two Types of the Pieces of Utopianism
As the promise of a heavenly afterlife numbs people to their pain or excites them to put others in pain, so do utopias; the difference between the two types of utopia is only in terms of the intensity of impact.
Niraj Kumar Jha
The Two Types of the Pieces of Utopianism
As the promise of a heavenly afterlife numbs people to their pain or excites them to put others in pain, so do utopias; the difference between the two types of utopia is only in terms of the intensity of impact.
Niraj Kumar Jha