
शनिवार, 4 जनवरी 2025

The Two Types of the Pieces of Utopianism

I classify utopianism pieces as they operate in two; the first comprises the well-known comprehensive utopias we find in philosophy books. The second type concerns little utopias, the modular types that lesser utopianists seek to fit into the social order. The second type is not seen as I have put them but they are effectively practised without much fuss. The irony is that these modules hardly get the desired result and amidst the persistence of the problems they are repeatedly reworked to resolve the same continuing problem. It is the nature of these utopias that they never allow dreams to die but the dreamlike solutions also never work.
As the promise of a heavenly afterlife numbs people to their pain or excites them to put others in pain, so do utopias; the difference between the two types of utopia is only in terms of the intensity of impact.
Niraj Kumar Jha

The Two Types of the Pieces of Utopianism

I classify utopianism pieces as they operate in two; the first comprises the well-known comprehensive utopias we find in philosophy books. The second type concerns little utopias, the modular types that lesser utopianists seek to fit into the social order. The second type is not seen as I have put them but they are effectively practised without much fuss. The irony is that these modules hardly get the desired result and amidst the persistence of the problems they are repeatedly reworked to resolve the same continuing problem. It is the nature of these utopias that they never allow dreams to die but the dreamlike solutions also never work.
As the promise of a heavenly afterlife numbs people to their pain or excites them to put others in pain, so do utopias; the difference between the two types of utopia is only in terms of the intensity of impact.
Niraj Kumar Jha

सोमवार, 30 दिसंबर 2024

Restoring Education to Students

Coaching institutions and online tutorials effectively capture most of students' learning hours and ambience, taking over the time that should have been spent at educational institutions. The mechanised training prepares them for competitive examinations but leaves them by the very nature of their job as lesser beings as members of humanity and the citizenry. The whole phenomenon needs a philosophical rethink and a human makeover.
Niraj Kumar Jha


बुद्धि ही है किसी की 
जहाँ ठहर जाता है
लोगों का बोध
कल्पना ही है किसी की
जो करता है
लोगों की कल्पनाओं पर राज
लोग बताते हैं
मिट्टी, पानी और हवा का
अच्छा या बुरा होना
जिनकी वजह से वे हैं
अधिकतर नहीं परख पाते उन्हें
जो उनकी वजह से हैं

नीरज कुमार झा

रविवार, 29 दिसंबर 2024


Global economies are turning protectionist, remarkably including the most powerful economies. There is no longer any serious concern for fair games in international economic transactions. 

This is a reversal from the earlier global concern and efforts to regulate international economic affairs. This was happening amidst globalisation. Now, there is open resistance to globalisation everywhere. Nations have moved to homeland economics and strategic economic manoeuvres. 

Ironically, this deglobalisation is taking place when the world has shrunk greatly in terms of time distances. Rapid means of transportation have done this and more crucially the means for real-time communication allow one to be in live contact with others anytime and anywhere. At the same time, the world faces many crises and issues, which only a united humanity can tackle. In fact, there is no escape from globalisation and its systematisation. 

What is the catch? In fact, the very resistance to globalization betrays its immense pressure. It is not only unavoidable but also very much needed to handle crises like climate change, geopolitical conflicts, displacements, AI and internet-generated challenges to law and order and others, The problem with globalisation is that it requires a system of fairness which does not suit the privilegentsia, which flourish on divisions and barriers. 

Nonetheless, the takeaway is that globalisation is unavoidable, and smart nations will prepare for it by making their economies innovative, efficient, and cost-effective. The citizenry should also understand that their well-being depends on their competitiveness in the global order or disorder, i.e. how they see the world today. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

बुधवार, 25 दिसंबर 2024

The Path to Progress

Civilizational values are the prime determiner of progress; the more relevant fact is that they are not static. Civilizations change and may change fast in their approach to life. They evolve around or are influenced by powerful ideas and ideologies. Depending on what they value, they may even devolve or remain static.

This is why some civilizations surge ahead and prevail over others; some lag and get dictated by others.

A nation, the prime agency of human beings in the present age, must invest in and unobstruct the free play of ideas. Otherwise, intended progress hardly happens and if it does, it soon loses its steam.

Niraj Kumar Jha

मंगलवार, 3 दिसंबर 2024

दर्शन नहीं रहे रहस्यों की भूल भुलैया

दर्शन नहीं हो रहस्यों की भूल भुलैया 
न हो महानता का मंत्र 
न ही हो यह पारलौकिकता का यंत्र 
और न ही उद्धार का महासूत्र 

हो यह जीवन की समझ 
हो यह कष्टों से त्राण का उपक्रम 
बने यह अभय का विधान 
दे यह स्थिरता और निश्चितता का तंत्र 
ध्यान में चराचर की  मर्यादा रहे 
ध्येय प्राणिमात्र की गरिमा का प्रतिष्ठापन हो 
संवेदना इसकी श्वास हो 
प्रेम बने  इसका स्पंदन  

दर्शन को जमीन से जोड़ना होगा 
जीवन की पीड़ाओं, आशाओं, आकांक्षाओं को इसे सुनना होगा 
दार्शनिकों को अंतर की उलझनों से 
बाहर की बनावटों से निकलना होगा 

दर्शन नहीं हो सकता यान के वातायन से आपदाग्रस्तों का निरीक्षण 
न ही हो सकता सितारा सरायों में ठहर कर लोकाचार का पर्यवेक्षण 
इसे घुटन को महसूसना होगा 
जीवन के संघर्षों का भागीदार इसे बनना पड़ेगा 

यह खिलखिलाते फूलों को सहेजे  
सराहना करे झुलसे चेहरों पर लोटती हँसी की भी 
करे सबको स्वच्छता और स्वास्थ्य के प्रति सजग 
सुनिश्चित करे सर्वसुलभ सुगंध की वाटिकाएँ  व सौन्दर्य के विहार 
मंत्र एक पुराना है 
इसे जीवन में लाना होगा 
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित् दुःखभाग् भवेत्

नीरज कुमार झा