
रविवार, 31 दिसंबर 2023

Of Kharab or Neel Rupees Economies

It is heartening to see more media and public attention towards the national economy growing to a certain trillion-dollar economy by a certain year. It is one of the positive discourses competing with too many gloomy discourses pulling the country and us backwards. If we pay more attention to the discourse and do things to ease the passage, at some time in future, other national economies will count their economic worth in Kharab or Neel of rupees.

Niraj Kumar Jha

शुक्रवार, 29 दिसंबर 2023


It is not fear of missing out, it is a general tendency not to miss. One is always driven to do something if other people are doing that thing. And, this happens often for absurd reasons or no reason. Advertising and marketing agencies capitalise on such tendencies. The challenge for education is to make people see things in the light of objective utility. Does a thing or happening suit the person and their community in some balance or not? Or, are you helping with something? One must be trained to see things in this light.
Niraj Kumar Jha

गुरुवार, 28 दिसंबर 2023


Justice is the most human construction. Here, human beings disagree with both their internal beings and externalities. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

सोमवार, 25 दिसंबर 2023

Mobile Egalitarianism

Mobiles (handheld unfixed telephony and computing devices) are the most revolutionary things to happen, more revolutionary than any revolutionary phenomenon except rationalism which gets us into science and technology. My reference to revolution here is about egalitarianism.

First, mobile is ubiquitous, thanks to the market economy. More people possess mobile than anything else except some items of clothing. Secondly, mobiles hold eyeballs for more time than anything else if they are not under compulsion to watch something else. Thirdly, mobiles provide people many platforms and mechanisms for doing things from anywhere. The point is that things come to people, people do not go to things. It is a well which appears before the thirsty. A person becomes the centre. Lastly, mobiles cut every phenomenon to the size of their screens. They deprive any spectacle of its mojo and thus make a major tool of inegalitarian ordering far less effective.

Niraj Kumar Jha


सभ्यता सभ्य जीवन का स्थूल रूप है। सामान्य संपन्नता, स्वच्छता, स्वास्थ्य, सुरक्षा, सुगमता, कलामयता, सौंदर्यबोध, तथा व्यवहार में विनम्रता सभ्य जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण अवयव हैं। यह नागरिकता की उन्नत स्थिति है, जो किसी देश के लिए अभीष्ट स्थिति है। इस स्थिति को प्राप्त या लगभग इस स्थिति के देश विकसित देश होते हैं।

विकसित स्थिति मूलतः सामाजिक मानस की स्थिति है। यह मानसिक स्थिति ज्ञान-विज्ञान की गवेषणा की सामान्य प्रवृत्ति है। भौतिक विकास इस मानस का प्रगटन है। वैसे, कोई भी समुदाय ज्ञान से रहित नहीं होता है, लेकिन अविकसित स्थिति में ज्ञान का उद्देश्य आत्म-संरक्षण अथवा स्व अथवा समूह वर्चस्व को प्राप्त करना होता है, वहीं विकसित स्थिति में ज्ञान का उद्देश्य उत्कृष्टता और तादात्म्य होता है।

उक्त कथन अत्यंत साधारण प्रकृति का प्रतीत होता है। 

नीरज कुमार झा

बुधवार, 20 दिसंबर 2023

पूँजीवाद का मूल

पूँजीवाद का मूल निष्काम कर्म है। तथ्य से अवगत होने के लिए मैक्स वेबर का प्रतिरोधी नैतिकता पर प्रबंध पढ़ा जाना चाहिए। समाज विज्ञान और इतिहास की समझ रखने वाले इस तथ्य से परिचित हैं।
नीरज कुमार झा

Ideology and Knowledge

Ideology and knowledge overlap, and they mostly go undifferentiated. Academia tasked to preserve and disseminate knowledge falls into the ideological trap (of one in fashion) of a time and often lags behind social progress and may also hinder social progress.

Niraj Kumar Jha

The Western Ideological Trap

Though tattered, early-twentieth-century European-originated ideologies continue to trap academic imagination in our country, and more ironically, any of these ideologies cuts across desi ideological divides. For example, European leftism informs both our left and right consciousness. People here hardly realise that these ideologies in secular cover were mechanisms for their respective ethnic chauvinism or supremacy as per their cultural values. We fail to differentiate between the purpose and method parts of their design. The sciences of learning and doing, rather than what they were doing, are relevant to us, and that too to an extent. This great lacuna of not differentiating between those two is hindering the realisation of our worth.

Niraj Kumar Jha

सोमवार, 18 दिसंबर 2023

Authoritarianism Limit

Authoritarianism can secure high growth as it can mobilise everyone and everything by force, but when the very growth makes people rise, the rise threatens the exalted position of the ruling people. The people at the helm then get wary of both people and growth. The economy gets off track. This may be happening in China at the one end of the spectrum of this phenomenon. 

The democratic way of development is based on the centrality of a person. The system lets everyone do whatever worthwhile they can, and the Commonwealth is on the path of ever-going and sustainable development.

Niraj Kumar Jha

Education Abroad

The government and charities must encourage and facilitate more and more students to study abroad. They can give financial incentives to students to study where normally they would not go, and, thus cover almost all countries of the world. The embassies must secure and assist as many students as they can to study where they are located. Such returning students would create a pool of people having global experiences and connections. It will strengthen India's reach and business in every nook and cranny of the world. If they do not return and settle there, they would become part of the global Indian diaspora bringing handsome dividends for the homeland both in terms of influence and wealth. This is vital for India to become a power commensurate to its deserving position in the world as the largest democracy and civilization state. Money spent on such a project would be a very beneficial investment.

At the same time, India must have global institutions of learning where students from all over the world would come to study. India must incentivise students from those countries to come to India from where they would not come normally or cannot afford to come. One must realise that educational institutions play a very significant role in the influence, power and wealth which the Western world commands. And, now China is trying to replicate the story.

Every concerned citizen, a citizen must be so, must realise that if we want to have an edge over our global rivals we must have to struggle everywhere on the planet. It is our responsibility too to make the world a better place by spreading the idea of essential Indianness.

Niraj Kumar Jha

सोमवार, 11 दिसंबर 2023

Talking the Basics

If one tends to categorise their acts as good and bad and feels good and bad about them respectively, it means that the person's innate humanity is stronger than their innate bestiality. Such people qualify as being good human beings.

Being human requires one to be proactive for good. It is in the interest of the good people to promote good. Goodness around helps a good person and evil dominating strengthens bad people.

Promoting good is also an obligation for good people. If good prevails to our good, to whatever extent, it is simply because some good people have made extraordinary efforts for these goods. And, for the good things we have, we owe to others doing good on our part. Ordinarily, ignorance and devilry have greater force over human minds and actions and empower bad people. Human progress is an outcome of the conscious thoughts and actions of sensible people or good human beings.

NIraj Kumar Jha

The Rationale of Beliefs

Believing is an act, though most people are unaware of it being an act, which by definition is not an act of reason. It means that we see something which is not there for seeing with open eyes without their constructed representations.

Beliefs, whatever we can only imagine existing, stand for us against nothingness. Nothingness is a corollary of things and also inheres everything. If not defied, it is meaning-consuming and life-destroying.

People cannot avoid believing, but if they believe by visualising its rationale, as I have done in this post, they can help mitigate the evil effects of unconscious acts of believing and augment their good effects.

Niraj Kumar Jha

गुरुवार, 7 दिसंबर 2023

The National Mood

The mood is unmistakable. Cultural pride can no longer be hostage to history and material prosperity to the ideological preferences of the indoctrinated intelligentsia. People endorse national and cultural assertiveness. A civilization-state is reclaiming its glory and worth rather unapologetically this time. The unity and conviction, though invisible and unarticulated, are palpable.

Niraj Kumar Jha 

मंगलवार, 5 दिसंबर 2023

Theory of Arrogance

 Theoretical knowledge, bereft of practical experiences, makes a knower arrogant. They pride themselves on their privileged forays into the world of purified knowledge. It is the practical experience of life which brings humility to a  conscious knower, and makes them see truism. Theoretical scholars remain childish in their persuasions though their audiences remain oblivious of their (non/ill)effects as they are also enamoured of academic ritualism. The audience too prides themselves on hearing those pious indecipherables. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

Democracy's Propensity for Common Good

Democracy brings in some maturity in the citizens on its own. It works to its fullest in a libertarian order but even in discrepant settings, it works for the general interest if collectivism, whether primal or ideological*, remains below a threshold. With some magical effect of democracy, people in their mandate apart from seeing their immediate interests do endorse some general good. Democracy's propensity for the common good is unmissable.
* Primal collectivism exists in unevolved communities cut off geographically and economically from the global mainstream. Ideological collectivism grips backward societies, which lag due to historical reasons from their global peers.
Niraj Kumar Jha