
रविवार, 17 जून 2018

Commanded Internationalism

After global empires and wars, the global leaders worked for internationalism, but by and large, what they have worked is a commanded internationalism. Now, the command of the international order is being contended and an economic war of attrition has already been unleashed. The incumbent command has responded by de-globalising, which is rather ironical as the technological advances have reduced distances among persons and peoples considerably, and even nullified it in so many ways. Multilateral internationalism is the pathway to a new peaceful and prosperous world, but is now being blockaded. The rest must unite for facilitating economic internationalism so that all the peoples of the world can reap the harvest of the the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the world is not forced to wait for another half a century for the new dawn.

P.S. The Western imperialism was also a form of internationalism, which was sort of controlled internationalism. The Great Wars showed that this system was not viable and they shifted to commanded internationalism. The West indeed promoted internationalism but kept it under its command through the West dominated multilateral agencies, military alliances, and by their national military machines. Now the same command is being sought by China with its measures like OBOR, SCO.

Internationalism is orphaned

The great powers have abandoned internationalism. And there is no mobilisation among the rest to facilitate internationalism. Earlier, at least, there was some pretension. Hitherto, the West under the US tutelage has worked a commanded internationalism and now China seeks the same, and hence, the inevitable clash. The economic internationalism is necessary for mitigating poverty and instances of violent clashes among groups and nations but post-Cold War world is sinking into greater anarchy. This is the weirdest irony of the times.