
शनिवार, 29 जून 2019

Trying to Wake Up Out of a Bad Dream

Most of the must doings, so perceived, have been ideologically determined. First must do is to be dogma free but it is like trying to wake up out of a bad dream as sometimes you know that you are dreaming and you only dream waking up.

A Discovery

Being neck deep into nuisance, discharging, negotiating, and living it, turned out to be his lifetime prime responsiblity. He has been a responsible person in a responsible position throughout and has been doing all these very responsibly. A caricatured epistemology when shapes back existencial realities or ontology, if it can be said so, travesty itself becomes lives like this one.

Niraj Kumar Jha

गुरुवार, 27 जून 2019


Something went wrong, and She, perhaps therefore, created tears. But even tears are not spared and this has been an age-old practice. The idiom 'crocodile tears' says so. When tearfulness turns political, even then, very unfortunately, we hardly notice the gaping holes in the veneer we call civilization.

Niraj Kumar Jha