
बुधवार, 17 जुलाई 2019

The Menace of the Meaning-Deficit

Some cinematic narratives, in particular the period ones or the fantastical ones of the pre-modern, along with the cricketing obsession have very serious political implications. They eclipse the formal intellectualism in their impact. Nearly a three hours long lone drama may sideline the advance of humanity made over years and decades in the case of a certain people. The professional intellectualism must see that the meaning-deficit, the way it impacts through the above-mentioned medium, does not work in the same way in their case. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

मीडिया और हम

मीडिया परोसता है जिसकी मांग होती है. मीडिया वह भी परोसता है जो सुरुचिपूर्ण और उचित है. भले ही उसकी मांग नगण्य हो. हम अपनी रुचियों और प्रवृत्तियों को भी परखें.

मीडिया हमें गढ़ता है. हम भी मीडिया को गढ़ते हैं.

मीडिया पक्ष लेती है. हमें पता कैसे चलता है?

हम भी पक्ष लेते हैं. हम इसको नहीं स्वीकार करते हैं.

अपनी बुद्धि गिरवी रखने के लिए कोई हमें नहीं कहता.

मीडिया वास्तव में हमारी प्रतिकृति है, अन्य किसी भी अभिकरण से अधिक.

नीरज कुमार झा

रविवार, 7 जुलाई 2019

The Invasion of the Idiots

“Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community. Then they were quickly silenced, but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It’s the invasion of the idiots.”
- Umberto Eco (Trans. T. Bolin)

Nobody would perhaps mind the statement as each one considers oneself as a wise one and feels invaded by the others, the idiots. The problem, as pointed out by Eco, however, is an old criticism of democracy and any democratic space, wherein or where heads count, brains do not. Hitherto, it appears, if Eco's observation is taken as valid, that the idiots remained sidelined and hardly made an impact, whereas the wise ones were in the helm and guided the society through amiable association. This, tragically, is a gross misconception. It has been in the very symposia of the wise, the anti-philosophies and the anti-knowledge systems of thoughts proliferated and one having the patronage of the raw power prevailed over others. In reality, the knowledge hardly commanded power ever, and mostly power was counted as knowledge. And now it is the social media, which gives us the opportunity to fight for our reasoned cause in the minds of the peopple and make knowledge democratic and by only making knowledge democratic we can fight out the tyranny of the ideologies regarded as the fulcrums of perfect wisdom in the views of their respective adherents. These were the ideologies, which have been tormenting our lives in the worst way from the begining of civlization. It is the power of the social media that it provides the smallest of minority or each one having access to it, and of course even to a loony, some space. Knowledge never had a better chance to prove itself.

Niraj Kumar Jha

बुधवार, 3 जुलाई 2019

d NEP 19

The contemporary schooling we suffer had been devised in the heydays of ethno-militarism, imperial-possessionism, and thus, therefore, in effect, in the age of reductionism of everythng to instrumentation. It has been an effective bulwark against joyous learning, what the learning is in its essence, the development of imaginative faculty, and the compassionate orientation of human mind. The present evolution, in the form of detailed humanism, and of course, in relative moralism, and hence, on the course of the deeper realisation of the sensibilities of human psyche, makes the road-roller approach of education totally redundant. The times demand we learn to think.

Niraj Kumar Jha