
मंगलवार, 25 अक्टूबर 2016

The Freedom Upsurge

What Colin Crouch calls post-democracy and post-post democracy are in fact taking place simultaneously. Democratic institutions are growingly becoming non-functional or dysfunctional, but indiviudal freedom is gaining ground.

Here, however I wish to make a different point. What I see happening is the streamlining of democracy as many of the services for which we needed democracy earlier have been or are being taken over by the market for good.

Secondly, the widely expanded scope of freedom as a result of globalisation, liberalisation and new technologies have to sink in systems, which have to be global and more intricate.

Right now what we see is the unsettling of institutions and systems, which are simply incapable of handling the new democratic upsurge, and its vicious opposition by the entrenched interests.

Niraj Kumar Jha

रविवार, 23 अक्टूबर 2016


इंसान को इंसान ही रह लेने दो
उसे जब मन हो हँस लेने दो
मन भरे उसका तो रो लेने दो
मत बनाओ किसी को त्यागमयी देवी
मत करो किसी की पीड़ा का महिमामंडन
मत किसी को बनाओं देव पाषाण
मत गाओ गीत किसी के पौरुष के
करने दो उसको कुछ बेवकूफियाँ
थोड़ा लड़ लेने दो, थोड़ा झगड़ लेने दो
थोड़ा पाप, थोड़ी बेईमानी, उसे कर लेने दो
थोड़ी कायरता, थोड़ी बेशर्मी, उसकी जाने दो
इंसान को इंसान ही रह लेने दो
हो सके तो ढहा दो गंभीरता के पहाड़ों को
बह लेने दो हल्की-हल्की हवाओं को

नीरज कुमार झा

बुधवार, 19 अक्टूबर 2016

Military Industry

We as a nation must strive to make the world a peaceful place. But if they cannot avoid warring or fighting, they must procure their arms and armaments from India. Arms and armaments make a big business and we must have more than our fair share. I support India's push for military industry.

Niraj Kumar Jha

Busying in Business

We must do everything and must mobilize everything in order to make India the best place in terms of doing business. When Indians would primarily do business, most of the negativities, which imperil our life, would vanish away. As being in legitimate businesses is difficult, people indulge in dysfunctional activities. It is our material poverty, which engenders our intellectual and moral poverty. Persistence of poverty has disabled most of the Indians to think positively.

Niraj Kumar Jha

The World of Education

We must try to make India the world of education. We must make our education system such that If any person thinks of education anywhere in the world, s/he first thinks of India. Not the hub of world class education but the world of education, we must strive to make India.

How can we do this? It's rather simple. We need to know our goals and means, and must not mess up them. Diversification of the responsibility for education through corporatization, cooperativization, autonomization and voluntarization would prepare the ground for the same.

Niraj Kumar Jha

The Tragedy of Indian Philosophising

They exhaust themselves in following other's philosophising in place of actually philosophising. They don't know that knowing is not knowledge, but it's the proper fix of knowable.

Niraj Kumar Jha

शनिवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2016

Edcuction: the Humane Universe

Generally people perceive and pursue education in terms of instrumentality. That's a dimension of what we know as education. Mostly people don't realise that the education is their own human self. We evolve to our essential self through education, which is not external to us, but innate to our real self in the same way as the ability of speech is to us. The true education is the universe, which we constitute as human beings. The universe manifests both - the unfathomable real and the infinite potential of our existence as human beings.

Niraj Kumar Jha


आओ, संवेदना से सत्य का निर्माण करें!
आओ, वृहत्तर सत्य के लिए संवाद करें!
आओ, असुरता से सत्य की रक्षा करें!
आओ, सत्यनिष्ठ बनने का यत्न करें!
आओ, प्रखर मेधा के लिए प्रार्थना करें!

नीरज कुमार झा


आओ, संवेदना से सत्य का निर्माण करें!
आओ, वृहत्तर सत्य के लिए संवाद करें!
आओ, असुरता से सत्य की रक्षा करें!
आओ, सत्यनिष्ठ बनने का यत्न करें!
आओ, प्रखर मेधा के लिए प्रार्थना करें!

नीरज कुमार झा