
मंगलवार, 11 सितंबर 2018

Democracy Today

Democracy has never been on a strong footing globally. It kept on emerging and vanishing from different countries. And the so called strong democracies in the world hardly cared about democracy in the global order. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc was certainly a victory for democracy but now again in the post-Cold War world, when there should have been an ascendance, it is falling, shrinking, or receding globally. 

This is very tragic. 

There are reasons for the trend. And one among these is that the victorious powers of the WWII with regimes based on popular will subverted the very democratisation process globally, which they apparently espoused. They vitiated capitalism and globalism by acting chauvinistically, racially, and predatorily. In fact, they abused the very democratising processes for consolidating their domination. This weakened and emasculated nascent democracies everywhere and in turn did not leave the perpetrators themselves unaffected. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

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