
गुरुवार, 8 अगस्त 2019

Liberating Libra

Technologies facilitate and necessitate seamless transactions throughout the world. The new and fast advancing technologies create templates which automate scripting of ever renewed internationalism, and so of humanism. There are indeed regulatory issues but for that the need again is to institute international regulatory mechanisms empowered enough to enforce the rules of global good against the gigantic powers, political, economic, and of their combinations. The negative part of the story is that all the big players seek to curb any new thing that negates their role. The answer is a new Comprehensive Global Social Contact having provisions harmonizing the interests of the individuals, of all sorts of groups and of the global community. The sovereign entities must cede some portions of their powers to create a space for the sovereignty of the global community, and for the global citizens. The sovereigns of the world must allow another sovereign to come up, though of a different genre.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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