
गुरुवार, 30 सितंबर 2021

Cognitive Upgrade

Advancing to a higher level of cognitive skills and competence for any individual or group is not an easy passage. It requires training for learning and actual learning, and in addition, it needs accessible resources. Most of the collective cognitive abilities, which sustain, for instance, our democratic order, came to us as gifts from our old scholastic traditions, humanist thoughts of thinkers from different civilizations, and many of the gifted personas which we are fortunate enough to have. And, as a result, we could overcome the formal arrangement, which was nothing more than colonial and ideological epistemological traps. So far, we have done fairly well but a constant, conscious, and organised revitalisation of our cognitive skills is a vital necessity. It does happen on its own but the lag and chaos of anarchic ways costs.

Niraj Kumar Jha

The Vanishing of Greeting Cards

The disuse of hard cards by their replacement by virtual cards is a lesson to be learnt with care. The problem, which I seek to underscore here, is not the virtualisation as such but what entails the process in particular and what it represents in terms of general changes affecting us. The virtualisation of greeting cards with its ease and zero cost as a means of greeting literally led to its trivialization and even worse it became somehow irksome as part of the number of messages flooding our media spaces. This is something getting upside down, treasured receipts turn into a bothersome burden. Not going into further specifics of the speculation, I would say that many of the old things are going to be in disuse and many novel thing things are bound to be in vogue. And, the overall direction is towards greater humanisation of human beings. But, we need upgraded intellect and recalibrated agencies to harness the new to our benefit.

Niraj Kumar Jha

रविवार, 26 सितंबर 2021

आज का भविष्य

विगत के दीपक का तेल खत्म हो चुका है और इस समय सूखी बाती फफक रही है। भविष्य हमारी दुनियाँ में तेजी से घर कर रहा है और यह वाला पहले के भविष्यों से बिल्कुल अलग और बहुत बड़ा है । इस आगत के सामने तमाम विगत नितांत बौने हैं। यह तय है कि यह बड़ा होने वाला हमारे पक्ष में ही होगा, लेकिन उलटा करवट बैठ गया तो निकट भविष्य में बहुत कष्ट देगा। लिखने का आग्रह यह कि सुधीजन के लिए विगताग्रहों से यथोचित मुक्त होकर भविषयोन्मुखी होना ही उपयुक्त है।

नीरज कुमार झा

बुधवार, 8 सितंबर 2021


Ideologies are utilities. An ideology barricades minds from venturing into the dreadful domain of meaninglessness. But, these become vile when they impose the heavier burden of meanings on the human mind.

Niraj Kumar Jha

मंगलवार, 7 सितंबर 2021


Ideologies restrict, but these conduce life. Present times cry for some new ideologies, as the old ones are now abysmally dated. The ancient Indic wisdom may help in a better recasting of the body of ideas for guiding life. Though its binaries-free envisioning and its knowledge of reality as ever-unfolding are not compatible with ideologisation, the perspective would help any ideological venture for making it more flexible and accommodative and serve the human cause better.
Niraj Kumar Jha

रविवार, 5 सितंबर 2021

The Need for Internationalism

No nation is an isolated island. A troubled nation causes troubles for every nation. And, any lapse in any part of the world is an international hazard. This is the time for greater internationalism. The pandemic is a horrific warning, and we cannot wait for a bigger calamity. Already, the environmental crisis threatens the very existence of mankind. The nations of the world need to unite and enforce internationalism. We must have effective international agencies to monitor the affairs of the world.

Niraj Kumar Jha

गुरुवार, 2 सितंबर 2021

The artificiality of Being Deficient

It appears that everyone feels to be special, and the amazing truth is that it is so. But, when some people try to impose their specialness on others, it becomes troublesome for the rest. One must be at peace with one's specialness and respect the speciality of fellow beings. But, why does this happen that some are hyper in proving themselves some suffer the non-recognition of being special without any obvious reason? One, therefore, must deconstruct the formations and practices, which deny our specialness to us in some way or the other. The bottom line is that everyone is special but the exhortations and the urge to prove it is an artificiality of being deficient.

Niraj Kumar Jha