
रविवार, 24 अप्रैल 2022

Why write?

If one can write, one must write. If you want to keep it to yourself, you have your diary, and if you want to share your writeups, you have social media readily available.  

Why should one write? There may be several reasons for that, but I am here with something specific. You invariably use a mirror daily, and you do this to check your appearance: whether you look proper or not? Your writing does the same to your thoughts. When you read yourself after some time, you are able to know the property of your thoughts. Your writings mirror your thoughts. And, when you read yourself, you are a better judge of yourself. 

Why should one review one's own thoughts? More than anything else it is your thoughts that you are. It affects your relations, the social milieu you are a part of, and finally yourself. It is better if you study your thoughts with care as nothing affects you more than the thoughts you hold. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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