
रविवार, 13 नवंबर 2022


    To an investor, CSR amounts to just another levy. CSR is the same on the part of any business organisation as it is running a grocery store on the part of a government or as being a vigilante on the part of a citizen. Corporations are at their best when they sense the needs of people and serve them by provisioning quality goods and services. Anything else is a deviation on their part.

    Charity must be an independent social function and should be done by individuals in their personal capacity, and through non-corporate and non-government organisations. Civil organisations should generate the funds by running captive business ventures, self-help groups, cooperative enterprises, and/or seeking donations from individual private persons. However, it is a legitimate function of the government to have the capacity or mechanism to help people in calamitous, accidental, and extraordinary distress.

    A neat division of functions among government, business corporations, and civil organisations would serve society better. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

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