
शुक्रवार, 30 दिसंबर 2022

Another Onslaught on Globalisation

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has occasioned another round of onslaught on Globalisation. They say the war has proved the notion wrong that economic interdependence prevents wars. They inadvertently cancel yet another merit of globalisation. China's annexation posturings towards  Taiwan are seen in the same vein. 

They overlook the fact that people across the world suffer more as a result of the war and feel concerned as the world is globalised. And, there are efforts to check and counter the aggression. Globalisation reduces the chances of wars but does not eliminate them. For that other political agencies are needed. One must see with great concern that the democratisation of nations has a long way to go: the greater number of people in the world are denied of the dignity of self-governance. 

Once, the developed Western countries favoured globalisation as they owned multinational corporations and advanced technologies, but soon with the rise of the rest the advantages did not hold. At the same time, some roguish nations started to misappropriate globalization by using their sovereign powers. This made the West apprehensive of globalisation. 

The fact remains that liberal globalization helps the world and different peoples. It helps reduce conflicts and facilitate prosperity. The world must unite for itself. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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