
मंगलवार, 18 जुलाई 2023

Leftism: the Bane of Our Epistemology

Leftism more than an ideology is a psychology and a genetic coding. It is the genetic nostalgia of primitivism. Psychologically it is the herd mentality.

We fell to leftism in our encounter with colonialism. European imperialism over the world for around two centuries overawed us, Moreover, we were already under subjugation, and initially, many of our ancestors saw the colonisers as liberators.

While opposing the colonisers, we also admired and envied them. In opposition to them, we opposed their winning ideas but opted for their defeatist tendencies
, which they allowed to exist but on the margins of their epistemological space. Liberalism, which evolved out of humanism and rationalism, was that winning idea. Humanism and rationalism were products of historical circumstances in Europe. These approaches were not alien to India but lethargic ways had overtaken the Indian mindset and we lost in the race. When colonialism enveloped our consciousness, we opposed the very idea which had made them the masters of the world and lapped up for the refurbished feudalism in the form of leftism.

Now leftism is fairly discredited but it keeps changing its forms. Welfarims is its sober variant, which flourishes across nations. We must have public services for people in need and in times of need but it cannot be a policy of making more and more people needy forever and providing them.

Our ancients sought riches and happiness and they lived so. We need to rekindle that spirit and discard the leftism for once and all.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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