
सोमवार, 2 मई 2022

Digitalization: the Great Redemptive Passage

 Digitalization to the optimum of all feasible means and methods would have a redemptive effect on human beings. Countries and cooperations with a digitalization edge would have an overall advantage over their rivals and competitors. So it is for the individual persons. It would translate into greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness and lesser scope for scams, embezzlements, and corruption. And it would ensure greater dignity and liberty for one and all:  employers, employees, clients, and whosoever connected with the process.  

One may wonder how wise it is for us to rely on technology to resolve intractable and perennial problems like corruption. Is there no human, legal or moral, way of overcoming the human predicament? The Gandhian basics insist on that. However, I say any technology is as natural as a twig used for brushing teeth. And, any technology, no matter even if it is for destruction, ultimately serves the human cause. Have not nuclear weapons prevented the third world war from breaking out? 

Digitalization would be the mother of many reforms or revolutions; one may choose the term as per their ideological persuasion.   

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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