
बुधवार, 17 अगस्त 2022

Democracy Today

 Democracy is the final stage of human evolution for the world as it exists today. The foreseeable future is about its expansion in the world and its refinement. The fall of Bolshevism was its last great victory, and the final decades of the 20th century were the times of high hopes. Liberalism was in the air, and globalism was seen as a fait accompli. And then, things took a rapid turn. The entrenched forces thriving on emotionalism, utopianism, and otherworldliness realised the threats to their privileges and joined forces. With the aid of the naive in the literati, the naive being the overwhelming majority in the category, they succeeded in blocking the greatest ever upsurge of the common persons. They pushed back the great liberating momentum in the very name of the people who were about to avail freedoms unimagined by the earlier generations and also by them. Now, the same literati is lamenting the democracy slide globally, the rise of extremism everywhere, and the decline of human agency as the mismanagement in the handling of the pandemic worldwide demonstrated, without realising its own folly in granting a new lease of life to the outdated forces. At this time, we must know that democracy is about the mental, intellectual, and moral upgrade which happens in the ecology of liberation. The upgrade and the ecology happen intertwined. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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