
सोमवार, 18 दिसंबर 2023

Education Abroad

The government and charities must encourage and facilitate more and more students to study abroad. They can give financial incentives to students to study where normally they would not go, and, thus cover almost all countries of the world. The embassies must secure and assist as many students as they can to study where they are located. Such returning students would create a pool of people having global experiences and connections. It will strengthen India's reach and business in every nook and cranny of the world. If they do not return and settle there, they would become part of the global Indian diaspora bringing handsome dividends for the homeland both in terms of influence and wealth. This is vital for India to become a power commensurate to its deserving position in the world as the largest democracy and civilization state. Money spent on such a project would be a very beneficial investment.

At the same time, India must have global institutions of learning where students from all over the world would come to study. India must incentivise students from those countries to come to India from where they would not come normally or cannot afford to come. One must realise that educational institutions play a very significant role in the influence, power and wealth which the Western world commands. And, now China is trying to replicate the story.

Every concerned citizen, a citizen must be so, must realise that if we want to have an edge over our global rivals we must have to struggle everywhere on the planet. It is our responsibility too to make the world a better place by spreading the idea of essential Indianness.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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