
मंगलवार, 13 फ़रवरी 2024

Functional Universities

Being the most populous in the comity of nations, India needs the highest number of functional universities. Functional here means functioning to the collective good. It is about holding on to whatever sustains the good and building upon that.
For skill-oriented education, India's top-notch institutions have done well; in particular, they have served as great preparatory schools for gaining entry into the finest Western universities. And by graduating from there, many Indians now occupy high positions in the global corporate world.
But for pure sciences and liberal arts, Indian universities have yet to attain functionality. Globally, such national attainments are reflected in the number of Nobel awardees or by the prestige universities of a nation command across continents.
In fact, functional universities create enabling ecology and improvise mechanisms for enterprises and agencies to make life livable and facilitate betterment.

Nations failing to ensure a dignified life for their constituents speak of their universities if they have any.
Niraj Kumar Jha

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