
रविवार, 4 फ़रवरी 2024

Morality: Manifest and Latent

I get this: while the conclusion part of a write-up states the manifest morality of the author, it is the statement of fact that betrays the latent morality of the writer, which is a more authentic thing to know about. Knowing the morality of an author in the fullness of its manifest and latent forms is a crucial part of reading any text. An author might have tried for objectivity with honesty, but the relativity of morality, by and large, remains unavoidable. For instance, the colonial era colonisers' writings can be decoded thus. It may have also happened that in its manifest form, an author might have concluded otherwise what they would have put in the statement of fact, They might have found ways to speak the unspeakable. Take the same context as mentioned above, for instance, the colonial era native literary forms often take this form.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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