
शनिवार, 10 फ़रवरी 2024

Of Personas: Natural and Positioned

People commanding some socially recognised position or seeing themselves on a mission invariably have a lot of artificiality in their persona. They cannot be called abnormal, but they are not normal either. Their demeanour is overbearing, and they expect people to be submissive. A person who has normal mental makeup, is self-respecting, and does not suffer from any want, actual or notional, would feel uncomfortable by their presence around and sometimes even find them unbearable.

Why do we have positions and missions occupied by such overbearing people? The basic fact is that people err in imagining and working on their coexistence. Why does such an error prevail everywhere on the populated parts of the planet though in proportion to the state of development? This may be because of the genetic coding of human beings. We have lived for a far longer duration of our existence in jungles where bare survival was an act of extreme heroism. Extraordinariness which was once a survival need remains a human goal. People devise extraordinary positions and roles for themselves, which in turn necessitate extraordinariness in human beings to play those roles.   Precarious conditions and human consciousness together disconcert human agency. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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