Human beings are beings of ideas. They generate ideas, and ideas, in turn, create human beings. The ideas held by men determine the quality of their living and their state: noble, ignoble, or pitiable. The men of ideas thus are at the helm of regenerating human beings, each of them exclusively and all of them collectively, but ideas often overwhelm people of any generation or any location. Many ideas have a larger than life presence as they evolve and stay inputted from across spaces and times, and defended by people having a stake in them. Such ideas generally get a good number ideating in confirmation, and more worryingly these even trick an even greater number of well-meaning people. Everything is fine if an idea is fine, but it is singularly tragic if not so. The erroneous ideas continue to wreak havoc on people's lives and most people fault themselves for not getting the ideas correct. A good idea therefore never belittles any person it seeks to hold it or not even one who may hold the same. A good idea must equip its prospective adherent to examine itself.
मंगलवार, 8 फ़रवरी 2022
If I say something unethical, then forget the fear and stop me.
While I was writing this, this suddenly came to my mind. Listen to the Supreme Lord speak and find the perfect illustration of how a good idea is rendered to. (Goswami's rendition follows its google translation.)
एक बार रघुनाथ बोलाए। गुर द्विज पुरबासी सब आए॥
बैठे गुर मुनि अरु द्विज सज्जन। बोले बचन भगत भव भंजन॥1॥
सुनहु सकल पुरजन मम बानी। कहउँ न कछु ममता उर आनी॥
नहिं अनीति नहिं कछु प्रभुताई। सुनहु करहु जो तुम्हहि सोहाई॥2॥
सोइ सेवक प्रियतम मम सोई। मम अनुसासन मानै जोई॥
जौं अनीति कछु भाषौं भाई। तौ मोहि बरजहु भय बिसराई॥3॥
Once the Guru Vashishthji, Brahmins and all other residents of the city, who were called by Shri Raghunathji, came to the meeting. When the guru, sage, brahmin and all other gentlemen sat down properly, then Shri Ramji, the one who eradicated the birth and death of the devotees, spoke the words.
O all city dwellers! Listen to me I do not say this out of any affection in my heart. I do not speak of immorality, nor do I have any authority in it, so (leaving hesitation and fear, paying attention) listen to my words and (then) if you like it, then do accordingly!॥2॥
He is my servant and he is the beloved, who obeys me. Hey brother! If I say something unethical, then forget the fear and stop me.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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