
मंगलवार, 27 सितंबर 2022

We, the people of Gods and Goddesses

Navratri comes and rejuvenates life. Devotees rediscover themselves by immersing themselves in penance, prayers, and celebrations. The divinity and authority of the feminine are worshipped and invoked respectively. During the very prolonged rule of Semitic religionists in India, some members of the elite among intelligentsia became apologetic for worshipping gods in human forms or in forms of other living beings or in any form. They emphasised the unity and formlessness of Godhood in the Sanatana tradition. The fact is that in the Indic traditions, the belief in one formless Supreme Being has coexisted with devotion to Gods and Goddesses always in harmony.

Believing is believing and there cannot be any rationalised justification for what to believe or how to translate your beliefs into rituals and moral behaviour in particular. Nonetheless, modern constitutionalism legitimately puts certain conditions on such practices that you would not harm or inconvenience others while practising your beliefs.

The Indic traditions relate more to life, nature, and particularised ideals in comparison. It celebrates all phenomena nourishing life, nature, and supposedly the cosmos. The Indic people respect their philosophers and holy persons and listen to their abstractions with respect and care and at the same time celebrate their divinities with gaiety.

Indians celebrate life, its forms, colours, and its pulsation as their religion. They are happy believers and do not question any form of worship and may happily accept and even participate in any religious observations.

Let us celebrate life and all beings, animate or inanimate. Salutations to all. Wish all a blissful Navaratri.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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