
सोमवार, 3 अक्टूबर 2022

Chickens have come home to roost

 The great war leaders, the statesmen of the times, defeated the axis of evil, and emerged victorious after four years of devasting second global warfare. Humankind had never suffered so much self-inflicted loss and pain, and yet, the leaders of the day could do was not build a just international order,  but create only a mechanism to drain global wealth to themselves and secure their political hegemony. The system was never effective if the violations involved any of the big five, directly or indirectly. Now, again, the same system becomes totally ineffective to stop acts of aggression and annexations as the very leaders holding the levers of global order indulge in grave violations of international propriety. Humankind must think unitedly to overcome the evil designs of the powers that be and stop the brutalities perpetrated on them. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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