Different variants of socialism were revivalist projects of religionism following the enlightenment era. They were exactly like any religion but without the invocation to the otherworld as the idea of the otherworld had lost favour during the enlightenment age. The idea of the otherworld was replaced by a utopia to be realised by the adherents. In the like manner, it sought to utopiate the masses in place of opiating them.
India has been a land of many religions in a sense as different sects or cults were akin to religions with their fixed deities, doctrines, and rituals. But, all these flourished under the greater umbrella of Dharma, which on the whole invoked mindfulness in prescribing do's and don'ts and upholding the greater order to functionality, fairness, and humaneness. And, the Indian genius found a fine balance between otherworldly beliefs and this-worldly practicality. What the West devised as secularism was an old practice in India in a very refined form.
When India got independence, the fascination for leftism was raging, particularly in the post-colonial world. India fell for it and lost many decades in processing recovery. This was a colossal tragedy in that the Dharmik people went for a disruptive, conflictual, and destructive ideology while putting aside their own far superior wisdom.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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