
शनिवार, 7 जनवरी 2023


The role of socialization agencies, viz., family, school, media, neighbourhood, politico-administrative setup, workplace and others must be viewed and reviewed for how they make people behave. We must see that the dignity of an individual, sanctity of homes, functionality of schools, sense of responsibility in media, civility in social gatherings, fairness in public life, and humanity at the workplace are never compromised.

The fact to be underscored here is that the role of schooling is fundamental in this context. Schools mould the human mind largely, and more pertinently, society has a choice here to fashion social order to purpose. For instance, a child does not have a choice in terms of parents. Among others, we must have only persons of learning, character and social standing in schools as teachers to ensure civility in social life. Good public schools must invite persons of proven ability and integrity to school the children in place of recruiting people on only scholastic criteria. Schooling is too serious a business to leave it even to only professionals; we need literally the men and women of substance in schools.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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