
शुक्रवार, 4 अगस्त 2023

Education and Liberation

 The absence of education has been the greatest threat to freedom. Unfree societies have traditions resistant to education. They do have mechanisms to mould and control minds and they do that in a way that each watches the other so none can defy the mechanism. Any perceived freedom deficit in a society is directly linked to the proportionate quality deficit of its education. 

Education is not about teaching, but it is about enabling the interested to learn. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. It is a consciously accomplished systemic arrangement. Well-meaning persons who are highly educated and competent can alone work the arrangement. There are many who thrive on prevailing ignorant beliefs and practices and they leave no stone unturned to let that go. Such concerted actions over time become traditions and make any learning almost impossible. They do deploy decoys which go by the name of education but only perpetuate the ignorant ways. 

There are many historical and contemporary instances of the subverted education system. I here cite one - the Bolshevic one. They forced the system on the people of the Russian empire and tried to indoctrinate the gullible lot anywhere in the world. The loss of education there in fact threatened the world and caused colossal harm to humanity. 

The effect of the loss of education in any historical phase lingers on. Colonialism in the same way dehumanised the folks in the greater part of the world. They deployed modern methods to uproot their subjects from their land making them mental slaves for times to come. Postcolonial societies have still to find ways to free themselves. And, it is their 'education' primarily, which keeps them clueless. 

A shining arrangement of a good education system was what our ancients devised. The system is testified by the flourishing of literature, arts and sciences during those times. It produced unparalleled prosperity and ensured peace in those times and remains unique in accomplishments to date.  

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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