Processing pieces of information into knowledge and further into wisdom, which conduce public good and thereby the lives of the members of the public, needs sound and trained intellect on the part of a person. Tragically, people rarely have it, and others, including people tasked with it, are of little help; and, nowadays, the information glut complicates the processing hopelessly. The fact of being knowledgeable occurs with the intense engagement with the subject; it is either live or mentally simulated. The problem is that so-called knowers are alien to the processes they seemingly expertise in, and their loud mouthing of personal prejudices and ideological proclivities are matched only by the silences of the practitioners. The disengagement between knowers and doers costs and hurts all. Among people there exists a category of people who are privileged by mechanical means, not in an organic way. This vocal category has no stake in the public good. Many of them flourish by troubling waters and harvesting riches.
Republicanism is about a person's intellect; its training and exercise.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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