
सोमवार, 19 अगस्त 2024

Citizenry and Economic Growth

India is an economic powerhouse. The billion-plus citizenry fuels the momentum. Its further rise vis a vis other great economies is imminent. The point is to infuse more speed and quality into the process. All those genuinely concerned about their self-interest and general interest must talk about and demand ever greater ease of doing business and making the economy internationally competitive. Most of the socio-political problems which beguile and trouble us would go away without being noticed if we can raise the GDP growth rate to double digits. The activities generated by such a movement would engage most people in a very productive and creative relationship.

A respected business leader has raised concern about the unchecked population growth and obliquely spoke in terms of praising the 'emergency' years, tragically. It must be widely known that it is poverty which causes disproportionate population growth and it is not vice versa. Population rise is a matter of concern only for the reason that it pressures ecology, and for no other reasons as they are highlighted. It is a big youth population at this period, the demographic dividend, which is making India an economic powerhouse.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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