
शनिवार, 10 अगस्त 2024

Foreign Epistemologies

There is no Third World left with the collapse of the Second World but Thirdworldism survives as an epistemological category, or to say more appropriately, as an epistemological crisis.

First World is about working knowledge first-hand. The First World generated knowledge by itself and used those systems to benefit.  Second World worked on noxious trash generated in the First World, but, independently.

The Third World got knowledge systems from the first two Worlds and treated them as holy doctrines. These doctrines do not address their realities but they tried their best to concoct their realities to fit those doctrinal frameworks.

More tragically, when they try to indigenize their operating epistemology, they make their traditional doctrines mirror those foreign epistemologies they wish to replace.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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