
शुक्रवार, 7 अप्रैल 2023

A free person is a responsible person

Liberty and duty being separate values is a common but mistaken perception. The general thinking is that liberty is conditional on fulfilling duties, i.e., one deserves freedom only when the person duly performs given responsibilities. The fact is that rights, codes for guaranteeing freedom, and duties are inseparable. Duties one performs are also one's rights and rights one exercise are also one's duties. It is one's duty to defend their nation and contribute to the national good because it is inherent in that person's right to citizenship and all that the person gets as a citizen. One defends others' right to expression and thereby they have their own right to expression. The point is that a free person is a responsible person. If it is not so in general, the idea of freedom and its mechanism needs correction. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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