
गुरुवार, 13 अप्रैल 2023

The New World Order

Finally, a new world order is taking shape. One of the two superpowers, the super two which dominated the world for many decades in the twentieth century, ceased to be so long ago. It has lost not much of its economic and military strength but also its prestige. Its justification for invading Ukraine has hardly any takers.
The remaining and sole superpower since the closing decades of the last century is seeing its instruments for dominating world affairs diminishing in their efficacy and another power is growing bigger every day eating into its means. More to its concern, it threatens militarily to push back the US spread globally. The problem with bipolar rivalry this time is that the world is highly integrated and the conflicts cause global disruptions and hardships.
In this new world order, observers see India rising as a prime power and they find India's young demography nearing one and a half billion with a democratic order behind this.
Nonetheless, India faces very tough challenges globally. It is a world in which globalism or internationalism is dead. It is now more about national power, alliances and the blatant use of force. India has the very aggressively aspiring superpower as its hostile neighbour. India is awake to the challenge and building up to face the new world. However, the citizenry must see and sense the global threats and also opportunities, and articulate their views accordingly keeping in mind the need for greater unity, purpose, and capacity of the nation.
Niraj Kumar Jha

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