
गुरुवार, 23 नवंबर 2023

Digital Civicism

Social media is ubiquitous and engages more people for more time and yet it does not have the character of mass media, though it carries all the contents of mass media. It is either curated or customised by the interplay of participants (Here, a user is not only a user but a participant.) and AI. Only a viral piece has the effect of earlier mass media communications and it is only occasional, not regular.
It has pros and cons, but it makes it necessary for the commoners to remain connected with family, friends, and colleagues and share pieces of information relevant to the targeted people. At the same time, it is also advisable not to share any piece of information not relevant to a person or a group.
Sharing any idea must have a positive purpose. People are already stressed by the deluge of irrelevant but emotionally burdensome pieces of information. One must be circumspect in this respect. I think it is a vital digital civicism.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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