
सोमवार, 13 नवंबर 2023

The Predicament

Only pure selfishness and philanthropy work for the common good. By pure selfishness, I mean knowing and doing what is good for one's personal interest. An enlightened person knows that his personal interests are utterly dependent on the public good. If most people seek their personal good at the cost of the public good, nobody can be sure and secure of anything. And, life for everyone gets troublesome. Tragically, this happens in many political communities. This is the poverty of collective knowledge. Careful people must be conscious of and proactive towards knowledge. The suffering communities fail to grasp, and that is the cause of their suffering, that knowledge is about know-how for improving life. They instead think that knowing itself has some magical power for accomplishing things. They also believe that all people in individual capacities are flawed entities. People can be good only collectively. This collectivisation places some of them in superior positions vis-a-vis the rest. The crux of their faulty visioning is thus twofold: they believe and behave likewise that abstractions are superior to experiences at any time and collectives are superior to individuals. These misconceptions mutate naturally to working fundamentalism and they fanatically dismiss individual experiences and persons and taboo both their self-interests and their charitable instincts. This only leaves the vast majority at the mercy of a few and life becomes nasty, but the suffering people never realise the cause behind their predicament.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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